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Sharpie and the StC Staff

Show the Colours

  • The Times

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  • Characters

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  • The Mail Packet

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  • Letters and Correspondence

    Letters and CorrespondenceThe primary method of communication between those at sea or away with the Army at this time is by letter. Letters, tickets of absence, invitations and billets-doux may be written and posted here, in the sure knowledge they will be delivered safely by a Post Office that is the envy of the world. There may be a delay of several weeks between sending a note and receiving a reply, due to the slowness of 19th century travel, however.
    Moderator: Moderators
    76 Topics
    109 Posts
    To Freddy Rotlen...
    Fri May 16, 2014 8:21 am
    Marashar View latest post
  • The Gazette

    The GazetteFor those far from home, newspapers are worth their weight in gold, no matter that they may be several weeks or months out of date by the time they reach His Majesty's forces. This board is for articles of interest (real or fictional) to our characters.
    Moderator: Moderators
    3 Topics
    31 Posts
    Announcement, 4t...
    Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:38 am
    Allhands View latest post
  • The Second Division

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  • The 15th Hussars

    The 15th HussarsRaised at the 15th Light Dragoons, they were renamed Hussars in 1807, although some still refer to them by the old name. Their motto is Merebimur (We Shall Be Worthy) and they do their best to ensure this is true, with the spirit and dash that characterises the Light Horse regiments. Interactions specific to the 15th Hussars go here.
    Moderator: Moderators
    11 Topics
    709 Posts
    6th August 1809,...
    Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:32 am
    Edward Torrington View latest post
  • The 2nd Foot Guards

    The 2nd Foot GuardsAlso known as the Coldstream Guards, their motto is Nulli Secundus (Second to None). They are actually senior to the 1st Foot Guards, and take position on the extreme right of the line when on parade. They are known for their smartness, both in their appearance and in their drill. Action and events in the 2nd Foot Guards' part of camp may be found here.
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    21 Topics
    1048 Posts
    9th July, evenin...
    Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:45 pm
    Gareth Woodmarsh View latest post
  • The 33rd of Foot

    The 33rd of FootThe 33rd are the Havercake Lads. This is a regiment from Yorkshire, although in its ranks may be found men from all over England - not just England. They have more than a few Irish and Scots among their ranks. Interactions and conversation specifically in the 33rd's area of camp will be found here.
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    7 Topics
    217 Posts
    29th June, late ...
    Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:26 am
    Keiju View latest post
  • 3 Coy, 5/60th Rifles

    3 Coy, 5/60th RiflesRaised in 1797 by combining two German regiments, the 5/60th are three years older than the 95th. They have a very high ratio of Germans and German-speaking soldiers, although they do have a handful of British men. Their motto is Celer et Audax (Swift and Bold) and they do their best to live up to it, taking only the most intelligent and quick-witted men. Interactions specific to the 5/60th's camp or bivouac to go here.
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    66 Topics
    5554 Posts
    12th July 1809, ...
    Tue May 13, 2014 5:47 pm
    Zachary Pye View latest post
  • The Baggage Train

    The Baggage TrainThis is where camp followers, civilians and non-combatants will be found while the Second Division is on the march. A noisy, bustling, disorganised area of the column, it would be wise for those here to keep a sharp look-out for the Provosts, the army's police...
    Moderator: Moderators
    35 Topics
    2138 Posts
    7th July, midday...
    Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:45 pm
    Martin Darling View latest post
  • Elsewhere in the 2nd Division

    Elsewhere in the 2nd DivisionAny gameplay threads with the Second Division that don't fit into one of the other Regimental areas should go here.
    Moderator: Moderators
    No new postsHeadquarters
    56 Topics
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    14th June: Build...
    Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:09 pm
    Estefania Lopes d.Almeida View latest post
  • L'Armee du Portugal

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  • 17eme Régiment d'Infanterie Légère

    17eme Régiment d'Infanterie LégèreThe 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère have fought bravely in what is now Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and elsewhere. They have earned battle honours in Ulm, Austerlitz, Essling and Wagram. They are the light infantry, the skirmishers, the elite.
    Moderator: Moderators
    5 Topics
    223 Posts
    6th August 1809,...
    Thu May 29, 2014 8:42 pm
    Étienne Saint-Hilaire View latest post
  • 86eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

    86eme Régiment d'Infanterie de LigneThe 86eme has a distinguished record, serving in Corsica, Italy, Saint-Domingue, and became part of the Army of Portugal in 1807.
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    15 Topics
    853 Posts
    31st July, early...
    Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:24 pm
    sans nom View latest post
  • Elsewhere with the French Army

    Elsewhere with the French ArmyThe French Army, those who have fought and conquered most of Europe - and other places besides - have marched across Spain and into France.Any gameplay threads with the French Army that don't fit into one of the other Regimental areas should go here.
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    60 Topics
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    8 August; dans l...
    Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:28 pm
    Dominic Charcot View latest post
  • Battles and Events

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  • By Land

    By LandMost encounters will take place in the 2nd Division board, but for those times when there is a battle to be fought the Army comes together. Battles and other major events will take place in here.
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    20 Topics
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    3rd August, a co...
    Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:57 pm
    sans nom View latest post
  • HMS Terpsichore

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  • Weatherdeck And Aloft

    Weatherdeck And AloftThe waist is the area of the ship between the quarterdeck and the fo'c'sle. With narrow gangways to either side, the main hatch is covered by gratings which, when removed, allow access right down to the hold. The ship's boats are stored here when not in use, and the chicken coops may also be found here. Above stretch the masts and spars.
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    No new postsThe Fo'c'sle, No new postsThe Quarterdeck
    43 Topics
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    20th July; A Rou...
    Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:55 pm
    Tide Evans View latest post
  • The Gundeck

    The GundeckFor'rard of the Great Cabin runs the sweep of the gundeck. Terpsichore carries 26 12-pounder guns on this deck, although only 24 are visible unless she has cleared for action (the other two are in the Great Cabin). The Navy expects its men to train every day at firing the 'great guns', even just in dumb show. Above the gundeck are the gangways and gratings which form its ceiling and allow air to circulate.
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    No new postsSickbay, No new postsThe Great Cabin
    32 Topics
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    11th June; A Vin...
    Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:25 pm
    George Thompson View latest post
  • The Messdeck

    The MessdeckThis is where the sailors and Marines eat, sleep and relax. They mess in groups of six to eat around tables slung from the deck beams. At night, they sling hammocks between the beams. Each man is allocated fourteen inches of space between himself and those to either side, although in a two-watch rotational system, this means that they get twenty-eight inches as half the men are on watch at any one time. The berthdeck or messdeck is crowded, dark and noisy. The Marines berth between the wardroom and the seamen, roughly level with the mainmast.
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    No new postsThe Wardroom, No new postsThe Midshipmen's Berth
    18 Topics
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    11th June; On St...
    Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:27 am
    Keiju View latest post
  • Orlop and Hold

    Orlop and HoldThe orlop, above the hold, is not a continuous deck, but has two areas, reached separately. The after platform contains the hanging magazine, bread room, spirit room and the slop (clothing) room. The fore platform has the bosun's, carpenter's and gunner's storerooms and the sail room. This is the darkest part of the ship in every day use; it is lit only by dim lanthorns which must not be left unattended. The magazine and spirit room are guarded day and night by Marine sentries.
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    6 Topics
    480 Posts
    18th July: Anoth...
    Thu May 15, 2014 8:48 am
    Richard Bolitho View latest post
  • The Wine-Dark Sea

    The Wine-Dark SeaIf it happens in the vicinity of HMS Terpsichore but is more dependent on the wind and weather than the actions of the enemy, it goes here.
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    2 Topics
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    17th July: The v...
    Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:20 am
    Marashar View latest post
  • At Sea

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  • By Sea

    By SeaNaval encounters and gameplay. Battles at sea, encounters with other ships, expeditions for wood and water, exploring the dockside when in harbour... all those activities and more may be found here.
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    8 Topics
    944 Posts
    June 25th On th...
    Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:04 pm
    François Sevière View latest post
  • Aboard Revenant

    Aboard RevenantRevenant was a 20-gun privateer corvette designed by Robert Surcouf for commerce raiding. She was later requisitioned for service in the French Navy, and was renamed Iéna, but was subsequently captured by and served in the Royal Navy as HMS Victor. She was recaptured by the French Navy in 1809 and served under her original name.
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    Captain's Cabin ...
    Wed May 01, 2013 8:46 pm
    Jean Claude Van Bang View latest post
  • Alternate Universe

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  • After the War

    After the war The fighting is over and the troops have returned home. It is a time of gaiety, of mirth, of hopefulness. This is a place to explore what your characters will get up to in the distant future when they have returned home.
    No new postsLondon, No new postsThe Country
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    7th October: Cha...
    Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:36 pm
    Estefania Lopes d.Almeida View latest post
  • Beckwith Castle

    Beckwith CastleFrench Prisoners of War were generally kept in unsavoury conditions aboard prison hulks... Although officers could give their parole and be kept in better conditions, such as here in Beckwith Castle.
    7 Topics
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    Beckwith stables...
    Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:04 pm
    sans nom View latest post
  • The Crown Inn

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  • The Soldier and Sailor

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  • The Soldier and Sailor

    The Soldier and SailorWe all need time to kick back and relax once in a while. This is the players' general discussion area, where we can talk about all sorts of things from inspiration for characters to what craft projects we're currently doing.
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    No new postsWelcome Aboard!, No new postsShore Leave
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    Greetings! :D...
    Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:59 am
    George Braxton View latest post
  • Suggestions

    SuggestionsIf there is anything you would like to see on the board - roleplay stuff, OOC stuff, ideas for different boards - post here and let us know.
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    Muster Lists
    Mon May 12, 2014 8:19 pm
    Allhands View latest post
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    PublicityThe ad forum. If you are posting here, please ensure that we can return the favour and post our own ad on your board. Note: we use [center] tags here, not [align=center], and blockquotes do not work. Thank you for your cooperation. ~ The StC Staff
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    Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:18 pm
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