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18th late afternoon/ early evening.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:34 am

She was pleased to see he was realising one use she had, at least, one which meant her place in the following wasn't questioned by officers or men and only a very few of any one else, either.

"Once the war is over?" She hadn't any certain plans, had not considered so far ahead, "I don't rightly know. If a man should take my fancy, perhaps I shall follow him to England. Although tis said to be chilly over there like it never gets here, so maybe I should have to convince him to come to me."
She frowned, thinking, "Or I should continue back to my old home and find more work for myself there, and live there with this only as a memory." It would be a very unexciting life, that, but a possibility she would entertain for the moment.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:48 am

"You'd have convinced a man in staying, eh?" He smiled and had less doubt that she could if she so set her mind on it. Though some men left, and had left babies along with their girls. A good time, one of fear that one would not live till the next day, or no chance really to take them for they were just soldiers.

" May I ask, and you ought not to answer if you do not feel so." He smiled at the girl and then glanced at Herrero just to be sure that his horse was, one side, very brushed and clean as can be. "But have you yet taken a fancy of a man yourself?" He went around to the other side and was brushing the horse in strong strokes across his back.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:08 am

"If there was reason to do it, and he would instead drag me across to a chilly, damp country that I am told about." She wouldn't be getting a man to stay just because she could, that was certain.

She followed him round Herrero, stroking the brushed side before she did so, feeling him as well cared- for as a horse could be.
"it is a question asked in good faith." she pointed out, "I have no trouble telling you no, not yet."
Unsure of herself, or of his intentions for a moment, she changed tack with an answering smile, "You brush him so well, I'm surprised they let you ride, instead of making you brush every horse here!"

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:28 am

He was flattered by the compliment and glad of the change of the topic of their conversation. With a light nod he answered: "Oh, they've nearly tried miss. Had me clean the stables as well as them, water them and feed them too." Though it was as punishment, not for some ability or great skill that he possessed and so he chuckled at the response before he decided she might need an explanation as well.

"But.. ought to be each one of us cleaning the horse we are given, properly. And feeding it too. The better the horse fairs.. well, the better we would, in battle." Not that all did that, many were made to, ordered to, else they would have done themselves favours sooner than their horses.

"A weakened horse, be it from hunger , an infection or a condition against his health would fall much sooner, run slower and a shorter distance..." And also he could not see an animal be so poorly treated, though the standard in the army was so much different to that at home. His home.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:39 am

"No doubt they were meaning it as a compliment as well, for surely you were the best man for the job." She had no wish to ask if it were a punishment, sure he had spoken of it lightly for just htat reason. It did not matter, anyway, it was in the past.

"Am I to take it that not every man has the same knowledge of horse- care as yourself? Training does not cover such a needed part of your lives?" She modulated her voice, getting higher in surprise and indignation. The silly British, that they would forget such a thing. "I hope there are not many weakened horses."
Again she petted herrero, growing quite fond of him in this time.

She wondered, to herself, why he knew so much then, determined to ask if it would not seem too rude.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:46 am

"There is the care that you learn but ..." He shrugged for he did not wish to speak ill of the men. They lived and yes, he had not agreed with their treatment or priorities, but it wasn't for him to complain to a girl. He'd done it enough already.

" I reckon it's just each their own way." He wasn't quite satisfied with his answer but try as he might he could not find anything better. He smiled at Herrero, who seemed to bear the presence of the girl quite well and did even avert his gaze and turn his head so that he nudged her a little. He was a patient horse, though had his perks. The later were as if forgotten for the moment though. he flicked his ears a bit and observed the girl and had his tail twap against the man brushing him.

If anything could be said and a horse be given human traits, he looked rather innocent when his master had said: "Ey! " And the horse snorted instead, looking at the girl and waving his head up and down just a little.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:50 am

"I think I see." she didn't want to push him into saying anything, clearly he was uncomfortable, so she smiled at him, laughing along with Herrero who was playing the innocent.
"But you have spent time with horses before, I think?"
He certainly seemed to, he must have picked up his...fastidious...nature from somewhere. Not that she disliked it, she found it instead a pleasant change, a thing to be commended.

"I do not wish to pry." She added, deferentially, blinking at him.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:15 pm

He looked at her with a small bit of surprise quickly subsided into a confident enough smile. "...ah.." He began to say , then he was quiet for a moment and reminded himself just well that the women were the first to have a man's tongue run the wrong way. So with a simple nod he added. "...I've been around horses before, yes." And it was not giving anything away. He could as well have done any job that consisted of having to use one. "They've been the reason I'm here." He spoke again quite truthfully. "Knowing to ride them,.." Was one. "..and not in with those others. " He motioned towards the redcoats. Though what he left out was clearly, that were he with the redcoats, he would've been one of the officers, and perhaps would also have ridden a horse but not been in the same manner as he was in the Hussars.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:20 pm

She nodded, smiling lightly at him. It was only fair not to expect his whole life story, and she thought of him well enough as it were, needed no further suggestions at any well-brought- up background he may have had.
"To find a way of life which you enjoy must be a blessing." She commented, risking a misinterpretation on her part, "You seem well suited to it."

She followed his glance to the redcoats and then turned back. They were loud in appreciation of any woman, that was for sure, and she didn't feel like listening to them in a horde tonight. "I do not think red like that would suit you as well." She smiled, glancing between his uniform and his face.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:27 pm

"But I have a bit of it on my collar." He mused in response and showed that he was not meaning his answer seriously at all. He was surprised, but glad that she'd said so and it felt, that some doubts that had risen in the past few days were whisked away with what the woman had said. He did find what he enjoyed and though it was in battle and in the lines with the troopers rather than officers it was a strange sort of freedom and a restriction of it at the same time.

"You do not suggest that I try to mask it somehow with the blue?" He so teased and found again that the conversation that he'd held with the girl had flowed much easier now and it was a pleasant, albeit very different sort to the usual.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:31 pm

She grinned at him, cocking her head to one side as if considering a very complicated question. "No." SHe smiled at last, trying to sound as a tailor might, "Not at all. I think the slight hint of red there, and it's partner on the other side of your collar, pulls away from the darkness of the rest of the uniform, makes it mroe interesting to look at."
She swept her gaze up and down and added with another grin, "It sets of your hair very fine. And I do think Herrero would be confused should a man like you, but without the usual uniform, would try to ride him."
She petted the patient horse and added to the creature, "WOuld you? You might well forget he looked after you so well and would instead...buck him off." She glanced with a question back to TImothy, hoping she had the right words, showing she was still teasing.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:42 pm

"Must be right, miss. But then, when is a woman wrong, eh?" He smiled and chuckled at her interpretation of a tailor and her , oh so serious reason for why he ought not to think of hiding his red or replacing it with a colour less bright.

"He's only trying to adapt to having me to ride him, with the uniform to remember. Best not confuse him there. " And he shook his head, for he didn't like the part where he'd be flying of the horse neither.

"You've had him charmed though. Was as tame as a lamb, that Herrero." He looked at the horse who threw a gaze at them then rose his head as if to show his importance and value. His tail of course did flick at his rider again, though with the girl close enough she might've gotten some of it too.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:25 am

She had to have a chuckle along with him, "Oh, indeed, a woman would never be wrong!" Although she doubted he'd remember that, should some arguement come between him and a woman.
Men never did.

"Ah, He's only tame because this dress is similarly dark to your uniform, or enough of it." She glanced up at him between her lashes, smiling almost shyly, "Although it has no red, so I must see about getting some."

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:34 am

"Hm, a nice red shawl might to the trick, then, miss. For I'm sure Herrero would.." And he as well, he realised, " be glad to see you visit again, once he is in his tip top shape and look." As if now he had still been a bit scruffy, not fully brushed and his mane still in need of a proper trim.

He did look at her again, and looked at her dress and the hem of her blouse and the sleeves, tanned arms that were slim and though they were petite they were not as those of the women who needn't lift a finger in their lives. "I'm certain he'd be willin' ter learn lots of things, jus' for you to see and boast before you." The horse shifted his weight a bit, and rested one front hoof on the edge of it. His ear flicked in their direction and it looked as if he was listening, but hadn't yet decided it was important enough that he would turn his head.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:41 am

"A red shawl." She considered. It would certainly add the red, and keep her warm, or provide her with something to use to make a bundle out of. The more she thought on it the more she considered getting one, "Althoug it's warm enough that a wide scarf would do the trick as well...and I beleive I have one of those, in a colour almost the same." She took a closer look at the red on his collar, stepping forwards as if it were the most natural thing to do.

Then she was back to petting the horse, agreeing with Timothy's idea he was a slightly vain one, "I'm sure he would learn whatever you decided to teach him to keep you happy, without the need to boast to me." She demurred.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:53 am

He blinked surprised at her closeness, and tried his best to look unfazed. He failed at it and realised that when his cheeks coloured a little. But he gathered his wits about him very swiftly, and grinned at the lass.

"Ah.. I doubt he'd do it just for my fancy. He is rather.... proud. " And that sort of temper could be gotten out of a horse and the animal broken, but he liked him the way he was. And trying to show himself off before others had it's benefits. It may have been an oddly painted horse, but with the way he carried himself, he'd have been the finest breed.

"Ah, how much did you bring here, from home? I mean.. you've said t' scarf.. but..well mus' be hard t' join t' army and have t' carry all your things, no?"
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:58 am

She restrained herself from commenting his red cheeks matched his collar, concentrating instead on the horse.
"Herrero does seem to be proud." SHe agreed, "But he is gentle as well, I think." He had been as tame as the oldest, most broken pony when she had been seated on him- she would not call it riding as yet.

"From home? I brought some, but it is not easy to carry as much as I would have liked, you are right." She fingered her blouse- old and on the way to needing replacing- and added, "There are always men moving towards a camp like this, though. They are usually happy to lend a hand, so I brought more than i would have been able to on my own." She doubted he had an extensive interest in her wardrobe.

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:19 pm

"He is. Though it will be a little while that his true colours are shown. All of 'em at least." He smiled and patted the horse, who shook his head side to side, having some spittle fly, and then lowered it to mull at the floor and perhaps see if there was anything for doing. Another of the Hussars approached with his own steed and passed them, leading the animal to its designated spot. He lifted a hand in greeting to the pair just as Timothy responded with a wave back.

"Men moving towards a camp? Well.. perhaps Portuguese." The men who were deserting, were of course running the other way and very few would be happily standing in the lines.

"Your English is, very good, miss. Might I inquire where you have learnt it?" He was glad he needn't try speaking Portuguese. Though he had wanted to learn and so tried with some books he'd retrieved from a city they lay station in, he reckoned it was ordering some food, or sometimes drink, to which his conversation was more adapt.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:06 am

"Portugese men, yes. Sometimes boys, hopeful to make some money, perhaps, or curious as boys are." It had made her job easier and of that she wasn't going to complain.

"I learnt some from visitors- there are always English taking a break from their own country- and some from my Father. He could speak ENglish as well as he could Portuguese, from living with them." It was nice of him to say that, but she didn't think her English was a good as it could be, at least not yet.
She smiled at him, "And there are patient men, like you, who will help me when I am stuck. Already I know it is 'brush' not 'clean' for Herrero, and 'sole' and 'soul' are different as well."

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:42 am

"Certainly will, and should you wish for more learning, or when you might not be certain of a meaning of a word, .." He hesitated , for it was so forward to offer that he caught himself just moments before he would say it and felt embarrassed by the said forwardness too.

"Well.." He began and then decided that she might not misunderstand it and so he said, quite softly and warmly: "There's always some hussars that would be willing to be of help and teach." He smiled. "As long as you do not mind the smell of horses , or their presence all around." Which she didn't seem to, and she did look as if she had enjoyed riding one.

"And there is another meaning for the word sole as well. And a similar sounding word as that... soil." He chuckled, though he teased her even if it might as well have been more confusing and certainly of much less help.
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:48 am

"I think if they are all as kind as you, with such good horses as Herrero, I shall be having to choose between many good things." She assured him.

He was keen to spend more time with her, she thought, or at least well bred enough and a good enough actor to give that impression. She felt safer on a horse as well, silly though that was when she was sitting on one differently, while in the middle of a camp and her skirts up around her knees.

She let her eyes unfocus, unsure what the joke was, "Soil is dirt, or ground, I know that. Though why there are so many different words I do not understand." She conveniantly forgot all the different words she employed in her native tongue, "But there are three words which all sound the same?"

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:06 am

"Yes, there are. For sole atleast.. it may mean also only.. as in.. he was t' sole survivor. " he shrugged. "Then there are other words, that may sound the same, or be written the same but mean all the different things. But... " He paused with a smile. "Never you mind that, miss. Is there anything you wish to speak of or do, for I am near finished with Herrero and he might be glad to have some peace."

He grinned:" Might need to warn you of some of them Hussars."
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:12 am

"sole survivor?" She had been around these men long enough to seperate when a 't' was part of the word or not, now, but she didn't recognise the term. "They tell stories about them, that I know...THere is always so much to learn!" She said it with a smile on her face, pleased to be picking up so much more knowledge.

"It is early enough, still. I do not have anywhere I particularly need to go." She grinned back, "That might be a good idea, although I can usually work it out!" Herrero was looking as well kept as the most fussy horseman could wish now and she turned her attention fully back to his rider, "Do you not have a good group of friends you wish to see, whom you usually spend time with? Who have you been spending the last few days with, if I may ask?"

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Timothy Willoughby Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:51 am

He had some men he'd known and were his friends, though when they went to town, he stayed behind usually. He knew he ought to have gone more often and spent less time with work, the horses and the like. But drinking hadn't been a thing on his list, and not too long ago he knew why he thought so. He wasn't for a visit at the house for the 'lady companions' either.

"A doctor in part. Sinclair. He's with the army as well, and has just recently gained a new ...feathered friend." He smiled remembering how the little think had pecked at him, how it attempted to make a nest in his hair, how it had decided.. or rather she had decided to pick at the hair, try to pull it out and was a general loud ball of trouble.

"Then...well the rest I was.. in a way serving a punishment. The cleaning I've mentioned before." He smiled and shrugged. He'd served it out so there was nothing to brag, but neither to be that ashamed of. "So.. as for who.. the horses, myself, and what comes with them animals."
Timothy Willoughby
Timothy Willoughby

Species : Cornet, 15th Light Dragoons (Hussars)
Number of posts : 3280
Location : In the mud
Member since : 2008-09-29

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18th late afternoon/ early evening. - Page 5 Empty Re: 18th late afternoon/ early evening.

Post  Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:59 am

"A feathered friend? A bird, that would be?" Sometimes she thought people just cobbled words together any which way, to confuse her.
But he wasn't smiling that sort of smile, instead the smile of a man remembering something pleasant that had occured.

She decided to treat the punishment, whatever it had been for, as he was himself- something that had happened. "Yes, I remember now. Does a doctorusually come with animals, or is he a..different sort of man, a doctor only in name?" Sinclair. It sounded a strange name to her, as she heard it almost as two seperate words- was he descended from churchmen or women, that he was so clear of sin?

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