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Jean Claude Van Bang

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Jean Claude Van Bang Empty Jean Claude Van Bang

Post  Jean Claude Van Bang Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:42 am

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How did you find out about StC?: Nebless

Have you read our rules, and do you agree to abide by them?: Yes

Character Info

Canon/Original: Original

First Name(s): Jean Claude

Surname: Van Bang

Nicknames: Bang Bang, JVC, Bang

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Place of Birth: Caen

Occupation: Master Gunner

Family: Alive and well, his Father is an Apothecary and mother a maid to a busy merchant. He has two sisters and one brother, all of whom reside in Cean still.

Description: Jean Claude is of a stocky build being 5' 7" in height and about 210 lbs, he has strikeing blue eyes that give the impression on a man who has seen many more things than his age suggests. He carries himself with the rolling gait of a veteren sailor and the confidence born from experience and a hunger for adventure. His mousy brown hair is shoulder length and windswept, which he only ties back when on land or at action stations. He is normally clean shaven with at most 2 days growth on his face, has a nose that has been broken many times and carries a large scar running along the right side of his jaw line from his chin to stop just underneath his right ear.

Strengths: Jean Claude has an unusualy strong talent for explosives and Alchemy/Apothecary which coupled together with his inate knack of being able to judge distance and tragectory acurately even in rough weather, has enabled him to rise the the station of Master Gunner rather quickly.
Jean Claude is proficient in the use of a Tommahawk and Dirk weapon combination if forced to fight in hand to hand but is much more at home and uneringly accurate using a musket or type of firearm.
He can move quickly and quietly despite his stocky size and has surprised many a man with this ability. He is also incredibly loyal once his trust has been earnt and will move heaven and earth to ensure that those friends who have earnt his trust stay upright and living.

Weaknesses: Jean Claude has a bit of a gambling problem, whilst not bad enough to endanger crew or country. Although he never gambles with things he does not have, he will never be rich as he rarely has any savings so to speak and is happy in a tavern or inn dicing or playing cards. While he does have talents, gambling is not one of them, as he only breaks even at best.
With the scar running across his jaw line and a nose that has been broken to many times he will never be charming or eye catching to the oposite sex, and this does also make him easily recognisable.
Jean Claude loves explosions, and can also be considered trigger happy, this can be a problem if a quiet or strategic mission is required as he generally uses overkill with his explosives, firmly believing that there can never be to much when something needs to be blown up, much to the chagrin of past capitains who would have rathered more sublety.

Background: Jean Claude Van Bang was born on January 11th 1777 in the sea side city of Cean to a doting mother and father. He showed an early interest in chemicals and herbs from his fathers apothecary and this was encouraged by his father, although the real reason for his interest would soon manifest itself. At the age of 7 he created his first explosive chemical reaction and was instantly enthralled by it. He was always sneaking away from his fathers shop with various chemicals, (namely black powder, salt peter, various ferous metals ect) and components to blow anything he could up to see what would happen.
At the age of 12 he succeded in blowing a whole 50 foot tree out of the ground, unfortunatly the tree landed on the baggage carrage of an English envoy on its way to Cean to board a british vessel to return back to england.
The English Nobleman insisted that Jean Claude be punished and clapped in chains. To please the Envoy, and prevent an incident as the relationship with England was strained at the time, the french escorting guard of honour agreed and clapped irons on him and incarcerated him in the prison at Cean. Three days later a man in a French naval uniform had Jean Claude brought out of his cell in the Cean prison dungeons and brought to him in a bare stone room. Jean Claude recognised the man from the incident with the English Envoy and was preparing himself for the worst. The French Naval Commander as Jean Claude was about to find out, offered him a choice of rotting in the prison for 10 years or to join the French Navy, as he was impressed with Jean Claude's aparent ability to blow a 50 foot tree from the ground at his young age. Needless to say Jean Claude agreed and as of Febuary 14th 1789 was soon serving his majesty in the Royal French Navy.
He has spent 20 years serving the crown in the Navy he has grown to love, he feels right at home on the briney blue and has had a remarkable career,starting with his first ship the 74 gunner Magnanime in which he was involved in the Battle of the capes in the caribbean, Jean Claude returned to France in 1793 to decomission the Magnanime, the ship that was his home for the last 4 years. He was to join the french 118 gun first rate Montagne the Flag ship of Rear Admiral Villaret Joyeuse in October 1793, and fought in the Combat de Prairial where the Montagne was badly damaged. In may 1795 The Montagne was renamed the Peuple and fought in the Battle of Groix once again as Villaret's Flag ship. Three days later the Peuple was renamed the Ocean. Jean Claude served on the Ocean until 1805 when promoted to Master Gunners rate at 27 years old. Since 1805 he has joined a few special crews using his talents to remarkable effect and being mentioned in several dispatches with ribbons and achieving some regognition in the French Navy. He has now received his posting to the La Revenant, and is eagerly looking forward to joining her crew.

Writing Sample/Past Roleplay:
Here is part of a story I wrote for my daughters:

Once her mother had left the room, Star swung her legs of the side of the bed, idily scratched the back of her head and looked at Mystique.
“Well what do you think I should do?” asked star.
Mistique looked up from her fur cleaning and meowed noncholantly and then returned to her intense cleaning schedule.
“Fat lot of good you are for advice” muttered Star under her breath.
Mystique glanced up at Star with a cheeky gleam in her eye and what looked for all the world like a kitty smile and went back to her cleaning.
“I swear sometimes you know what im saying Misty” Star said to the cat as she got up off the bed ”And I get the feeling you think its funny”
Star moved to the wash basin in her white linen shift, she could feel the coolness of the wooden floorboards on her feet as she proceded to splash cold water on her face and freshen up. She grabed a wash towel from a peg beside the window and dried off. She then made her way to the foot of her bed and grabbed her dress and moved to the changing screen to dress herself.
“You know misty, maybe Mama is right, maybe ill make new friends today, and practice will be fun” stated Star as the white linen shift went on top of the screen.
“And Papa said he would make me a pink glow orb to decorate my room for the foundation day celebrations” said Star taking a positive turn on the idea.
She jumped out from behind the changing screen with her arms out to the side
“Tahdah” Star announced then turned around slowly, showing her dress to Mistique, who stopped cleaning to appreciate the show, and meowed in approval.
“Yes I like it to Misty” smiled Star as she headed for the door.

Star made her way down the stairs and turned left into the kitchen, with her tortise shell cat Mistique hot on her heals. Her mother beckoned for her to take a seat at the table where a steaming bowl of porridge sat next to a small jar of honey, with a warm sweetbun on a plate beside the bowl.
“Well dont wait for it to get cold, eat up, you still have chores to do before you head of to practice this morning” stated Claudette her mother.
“Ohh that looks nice Mama, Ahhh... What about Misty?” asks Star, glancing under the table as she makes her way to her seat.
“Her saucer is beside your seat, where she always eats” Replied her mother
“I swear I think that cat is very peculiar sometimes” Prattled on her mother”I mean insisting on eating beside your chair, and making such a fuss if she can not get into your room at night, she really is a strange cat”
“Well she is my cat and I love her” Star answered, reaching down to scratch Mistique behind the ears as she lifts her head and mews.

Star finished her breakfast and started on her morning chores, she went next door through the horse gate to the Pickled Badger's yard to draw water from the Inns well. Mr Basil Quill, the Inns owner had come over and introduced himself shortly after their famiy had started moving in. He is a round cheerfull looking man with a thinning hairline and rosey cheeks, and always wore a clean white apron. Mr Quill assured us that we could draw as much water as we liked from the Inns well, as it is closer than the smithies well which is the nearest of the towns wells.

After fetching enough water to fill the water barrel in the kitchen, the next chore was the breakfast dishes, and nobody likes doing dirty dishes. But if I do them properly, then I wont have to do them again thought Star to herself as she proceeded to fill the sink with a mix of hot water from the kettle on the stove and cold water from the kitchen barrel. The sound of wood being chopped came from the yard as she started to wash the dishes. Ok thought Star its stacking wood next then see if Mama or Papa need help in the shop, then thats morning chores done.

After placing the last dish in the drying rack, Star grabbed a large yellow leather apron from a peg near the back door. It is her fathers apron and large enough to cover her emerald green dress so it should not get dirty whilst stacking the wood. Star walked outside and followed the rythmic sound of wood being chopped around the side of the yard. And there was Marco, her father swinging an axe.He was stripped down to his brown breeches, with his whit shirt sitting on the fence where he had discarded it in the hope of keeping it clean. He looked up as Star appeared and a broad grin appeared on his youthfull face.
“I see you have plans of getting my apron dirty my little wildflower” he laughed as Star made her way over to the recently split wood pile.
“Well I dont want to get my dress all dirty before I go to practice Papa” responded Star”and your apron is perfect for keeping it clean” grinned Star as she bent down and picked up the first arm load of splitt firewood. The rythmic thunk of the axe falling and the fresh scent of split wood combined with the chatter of Star and her father to fill the air for the next half an hour until the wood pile was stacked properly with enough split wood.
Jean Claude Van Bang
Jean Claude Van Bang

Number of posts : 9
Member since : 2013-03-17

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Jean Claude Van Bang Empty Re: Jean Claude Van Bang

Post  Sharpiefan Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:46 am


Species : Master Jester
Number of posts : 884
Location : In the background, keeping things going
Member since : 2008-05-14

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