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Charles Jean-Claude St. Sauveur Application

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Charles Jean-Claude St. Sauveur Application Empty Charles Jean-Claude St. Sauveur Application

Post  Elijah St. Sauveur Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:02 pm

Username/Nickname: (How would you like to be known OOCly?) Nebless
How did you find out about StC? The folks at Age of Intrigue pointed me your way.
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to abide by them? Yes

Character Info
Canon/Original? Original
First Name(s): Charles Jean-Claude
Surname: St. Sauveur
Nicknames: Jean-Claude
Age: 24
Sex: M
Place of Birth: Saint Sauveur, Normandy
Occupation: Ship's merchant eldest son
Family: Father and mother both dead. 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister.
Description: A handsome young man standing at 5'8, with a powerful built and clear-eye. His blue eye’s never stop moving as he notices all and is quick to correct wrongs he see's aboard ship. Fashionably dressed in an Ensigns uniform, He wears a long blue coat over a buff colored shirt and white pants. He is armed with a Scottish basket hilted sword. Wears his brown hair short.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength & weakness - dresses in a fashionable uniform. While he cut a fine figure in public he sometimes worries more about how he is dressed than other more important things.
Strength & weakness - can hold his liquor well. While it's almost impossible to get him drunk, it also makes it difficult for him to just let go and relax. Strength - He has a good reputation as a strong fighter and tactician, Weakness - He has a strong accent that marks him as country raised.
Jean-Claude was born on August 30th, 1785. A brother came into his world 3 years later and a sister when he turned 10 years of age, with his mother dieing in childbirth at that time. To help get him over the death of his mother, his father assigned him a position as cabin boy on one of his trade vessels that sailed upon the English Channel. The ship's master was told to teach Jean-Claude all the ways of a sailing ship so he went from position to position, from deck to reefing canvas to working with the ship's gunner so he would know something of naval gunnery. At the tender age of two and ten, Jean-Claude killed his first man in hand-to-hand combat. A great hulking Scot's pirate that thought a youngster of twelve would be easy prey. More fool was he.

From his early life at sea, Jean-Claude brought away the skills of a merchant, soldier, sailor. As his age advanced so did the duties and responsibilities aboard ship he was responsible for.

His father, died from a fall from his horse in the winter of 1805 when Jean-Claude was but twenty years of age. Grieved at the lack of a father, he at least was well suited to inherit and run the family business. Having acted as ships master upon his family’s ships for the past three years.

Something he learned from his time at sea he likes a person who is Honest and hard bargaining. The one thing that bother’s himself is the ability to kill and not feel anything about it. At least he doesn’t hate people, the main thing Elijah enjoys is a good bargaining session where both parties come away satisfied with the trade. But woe be to the man that proves himself a liar and a cheat.

He seeks a suitable match and getting an heir from some such marriage as my younger siblings wish.

- Father's mother (Grandmother) keeps house for him and his siblings.

Writing Sample/Past Roleplay:
The Rogering Rooster
the place: Vigo, Spain
the time: Janvier 1811; 3 bells in the last dog watch

I left my heart in the Bay of Biscay; also my lunch and a little bit of dinner. Merde it felt good to feel solid land beneath my feet once again after a passage like that.

Our little sloop had been transferred down to fight the English in Portugal and Spain. And a worse time couldn't have been picked, the Bay of Biscay was one rolling, confused mass of seawater and our tiny ship was tossed to and fro. If not for the Capitaine and first mate, we would surely have drowned.

But now my Secretaire; Bidet and the Second-Matre Le Pew and I had our feet out towards a roaring fire drinking a passable red wine getting the chill out of our bones and the memory of our passage out of our heads.

The Rogering Rooster tavern was crowded but that held no worries for those that had just been packed into a 5 gun sloop for months on end.

Finishing our wine Bidet tried without luck to catch the serving wench's eye, a wall-eyed hunchback specimen of womanhood. Not having any luck, he headed up to the bar to get us another round of drinks.

After getting served, he turned away and stumbled ever so slightly, but it was enough to jog the fellow's arm he stumbled into, With a splash a drink was spilled. "Pardon a moi Monsieur, allow me to buy you another drink."

"I don't take drinks from liquefied dandies such as you" "I will however take the cost of my nights fun out of your skinny hide.”

“Seeing the night heading south quickly, I did what I thought was the best idea.”

“Abelard! to me!”

“Abelard is it lads.” “Heloise up and at them.”

Ahhh, a quick glance around, showed it to be us three Abelard’s to nine Heloise. It seems of the two tavern’s in town, we had managed to pick the wrong one.

The Gendarmerie à pied wisely stayed outside and arrested all that came through the tavern's window and door. I'm happy to report we accounted for four of the Heloise crew before we came out to land our rumps. And now how to explain our brawling to the Capitaine.

Elijah St. Sauveur
Elijah St. Sauveur

Species : Ensign, French Navy
Number of posts : 3
Age : 64
Location : Oregon Coast, USA
Member since : 2013-03-16

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Charles Jean-Claude St. Sauveur Application Empty Re: Charles Jean-Claude St. Sauveur Application

Post  Sharpiefan Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:59 am


Species : Master Jester
Number of posts : 884
Location : In the background, keeping things going
Member since : 2008-05-14

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