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Sunny morning

Jacob Chase
Tom Oxley
Mathew De Guarde
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Guest Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:26 am

Raoul remembered Dr Maturin taking the ball out of Corbeille's back, in an enemy camp. The care shown for poor Thierry, from the first wound to his arm to the removal of that arm in Belem. And his courage, when the Hussars turned against him, and threatened Dr Maturin. "That is so, and those whose fate God leaves to chance... I have the utmost faith in Dr Maturin." He glanced at Padstowe.

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:51 am

"I am glad to hear it, monsieur," Leat said, and nodding again he turned and descended the companionway, hurrying and heading for the sickbay.
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Jonathan Padstowe Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:59 am

Padstowe acknowledged des Sablières with a nod. Stephen knew his business, whichever one he might be exacting at the time.

"I wonder which horse it was," he mused after the lieutenant disappeared below decks.

[OOC: And I'll be going to bed now. Sorry I've not been around the past three days- things got unexpectedly busy. Goodnight.]
Jonathan Padstowe
Jonathan Padstowe

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Richard Bolitho Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:02 am

Bolitho had been planning to go out on deck, and was just about to leave his cabin when he heard voices outside the door. One of them sounded like Yates, and he assumed that the midshipman had come to speak with him. Being that he was already going out, and in order to save the sentry the trouble of announcing a visitor, he promptly opened the door.

"Yes Mr. Yates, what is it?"
Richard Bolitho
Richard Bolitho

Species : Royal Navy; Captain
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  George Thompson Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:17 am

Grattan, the sentry, had been about to announce Yates' presence. He had opened his mouth to do so, in fact. At the sudden, unexpected, appearance of the captain, he gaped for a second before abruptly closing his mouth and blinking. He very nearly bit his tongue, and swallowed an exclamation.
George Thompson
George Thompson

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Guest Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:18 am

Peter drew a deep breath, and steadied himself. "Mr Leat asked me to inform you - well, so did Dr Maturin first, I suppose..." He swallowed. "Mr Crozier has met with an accident in the hold. He was kicked in the head - probably. He is in the sickbay with Dr Maturin. Who would like you to go there."

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Richard Bolitho Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:26 am

"Good Lord..." Bolitho whispered. Crozier, injured? Kicked in the head? He wagered it was that infernal stallion of Wellesley's which had done it. A horse like that was always a danger aboard ship, and this confirmed it. He should have known that horse would end up causing trouble.

"The sickbay? Of course. I shall go at once."

So saying, he hurried off towards the companionway ladder.

[Bolitho goes here]
Richard Bolitho
Richard Bolitho

Species : Royal Navy; Captain
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Guest Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:56 pm

Jonathan Padstowe wrote: "I wonder which horse it was," he mused after the lieutenant disappeared below decks.

Raoul lifted one shoulder. "It could be any of them - Noix might seem quiet and gentle, but I could ride her in battle. And the General's horse is spoken of with awe by the crew. Even your Bethany, if she is frightened."

He looked down from the quarterdeck, along the length of the ship. He had had enough air, he thought, and standing here, with an unsettled crew watching him. He smiled at Captain Padstowe, and then to Lieutenant George. "I shall go below," he said. "I feel..." He went down the steps to the deck and then down to the wardroom and what felt like the safety of his cabin.

[Raoul reappears here]

Last edited by Raoul des Sablières on Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To add link)

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Jonathan Padstowe Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:57 am

Padstowe murmured and "Of course," to des Sablières and nodded, watching him as he went below. He did not attempt to follow him, as it was clear that from his manner the Frenchman did not wish to be followed. Padstowe was not really that surprised - Crozier was a friend, and was the reason that Raoul had come aboard the Terpischore. Were they to lose the surgeon, it was more than possible that the frenchman thought that he would lose his only right to decent treatment aboard the vessel; which was, as Padstowe had told him before, a complete nonsense. Yet how to convince des Sablières of that?
Jonathan Padstowe
Jonathan Padstowe

Species : Wellesley's Staff
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:14 am

( Former middie, present Tar has arrived from the horse hold )

He hadn't fancied his next task no less than he had his earlier. he tugged at the dressing which had become a slight bit loose and then turned to look around. He noticed Padstowe, one of the three guests, and several Tars obviously at work.

Searching for Leat he'd asked two of the sailors and upon pointed in the right direction , proven wrong the first time, he made his way towards the second lieutenant.
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:48 am

So somewhere on deck the man had to be and he had to report to him and not idle, else George would send him in shackles, but also he could not approach the sickbay for a similar thing could happen. He did wish to see Thompson more than Leat, but it was Leat that he was ordered to see.

They of course would have thought to blame Crozier's accident on him, he hadn't a doubt. No matter how innocent he were in the matter, even if some other Tar had a fall he reckoned it would be all his fault if only he stood close. Splendid that, most splendid.

He glared annoyed to where he was going, a step at the time, one eye only. He'd bumped into a man, having him at his blind side, and bit back a curse, passing on forward. Poor Crozier though. The man had actually wanted to warn him, even help him. Of course he had spooked the horse in that way. And Copenhagen,... well that creature would've had one under its hooves. Be it the Doctor... or the Tar. Or both.

"Leat. ..Lieutenant Leat.."
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:20 am

(Coming from the sick berth here)

Coming up on deck Leat looked around for des Sablieres, but could not see any sign of the Frenchman. Captain Padstowe was still here however, over by the leeward rail, yet before the lieutenant could advance he heard a small, enquiring voice beside him. Oh God, what now...?

"Yes, De Guarde?"
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:39 am

".. I've come to report that the horse's 'stalls' have been cleaned, sir."

He saluted the lieutenant and then added:".. You've ordered me to come once it was done."
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:51 am

"Yes, I did."

The lieutenant, aware that De Guarde had most likely been down in the hold when Crozier met his accident, but right now he did not have the time nor the inclination to question the boy. He'd find out just how much it had to do with him afgter he'd seen des Sablieres.

"I will go down to inspect the stalls in a moment, but in the meantime, you will go and clean out the heads."
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
Number of posts : 1117
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:53 am

The boy coughed, so shocked he was at the order. The heads? Him, cleaning out the heads? He breathed in sharply staring at Leat. It was enough to silence him completely, and even a yes sir was lost to that.
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:56 am

"Are you deaf, De Guarde?" Leat snapped, his patience thinning. "Goddamn your sullen eyes, I gave you an order!"
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
Number of posts : 1117
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:01 am

"Yes, sir. Right away sir." He answered, finding his voice. "..A..after I am done sir, do you need me to report to you again or..." Could he retreat to his mess? He'd wanted that now. Cleaning the heads? What had he done wrong now? He frowned, biting at his lip.
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:06 am

And the boy was frowning at him.

"Damn your insolence!" Leat's temper broke and fetched the boy a clip round the ear. "Get to it man! And report back to me again afterwards! Lively!"
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Mathew De Guarde Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:11 am

De Guarde jumped, stunned, then with a hasty salute he repeated a quieter: "Aye, aye sir!"

He was quick to turn then, running from the lieutenant and to his new given task. His cheeks reddened in shame, but he didn't turn or slow down, running all the way, straight to do as he was ordered.
Mathew De Guarde
Mathew De Guarde

Species : Royal Navy; Able Seaman
Number of posts : 8004
Location : Somewhere on board, hopefully not overboard!
Member since : 2008-09-02

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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:48 am

And good riddance! Leat thought. They had been right, the lieutenants collectively to insist that De Guarde be distrated. He was a terror who'd had no business even thinking he could become an officer in his present state. And unless he bucked his ideas up something chronic he never would be.

He walked across to Captain Padstowe.

"Captain, I have seen the doctor now and know a little more - but could you tell me where the Capitaine is? I promised to tell him as soon as I could."
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Jonathan Padstowe Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:04 am

"Lieutenant," Padstowe straightened from leaning against the rail. "No, I'm sorry, he went below - to his cabin I should think. Mister Crozier's injury has upset him a great deal, I think."

He regarded the red-headed lieutenant thoughfully. Again, he could not help but think that he appeared far too young for his rank; yet in the Navy the ranks were fewer and promotion hard. This man might not make Post captain for another decade, were his to experiance any misfortune, as his nickname suggested.

"But please, if you know anything more of Mister Crozier's condition I would ask you to impart it to me as well - it is due to his kindnessand friendship with the Capitaine that I am not now trudging across land to Oporto."
Jonathan Padstowe
Jonathan Padstowe

Species : Wellesley's Staff
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:38 am

Leat nodded.

"I'm afraid it is serious. Apparently it was the General's stallion that kicked him - got spooked for some reason - and there is a depressed fracture of the skull. Dr. Maturin says that he needs to operate as soon as possible to relieve the pressure, yet in all odds we need to get to land."

The lieutenant gave Padstowe an apologetic look.

"I'm afraid it could well mean that our journey is halted whilst we call in at Figuera de Foz. It is the nearest place we can land safely long enough for the doctor to operate."
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
Number of posts : 1117
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Jonathan Padstowe Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:46 am

Padstowe nodded.

"Rest assured I shall nod mind the least inconvenience, and I hope that mister Crozier shall not take a turn for the worst. Capitaine des Sabblieres will be anxious, that I am sure. Thank you for telling me."
Jonathan Padstowe
Jonathan Padstowe

Species : Wellesley's Staff
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Edward Leat Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:56 am

Leat nodded.

"I shall convey my information to him then. Dinner shall not be long, and I shall send along a man to help you. His name is Westdale, one of the sailors."

Padstowe made his thanks and Leat went below again in search of the Frenchman.

(Goes to find Raoul in his cabin.)
Edward Leat
Edward Leat

Species : Royal Navy; 2nd Lieutenant
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Sunny morning - Page 5 Empty Re: Sunny morning

Post  Guest Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:21 am

WEstdale had received his summons and made his way towards Padstowe now, not even seeing Leat, who was further away by now.

"Sir? Was sent ter help. John Westdale, sir."

[ooc- if any of this is wrong, by all means, let me know and I'll disappear again till needed.]

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