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Wilfred Kock

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Wilfred Kock Empty Wilfred Kock

Post  Wilfred Kock Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:34 am

OOC Info
Username/Nickname: Xavier
How did you find out about StC? Cerebro
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to abide by them? Yes, and I do!

Character Info
Canon/Original: Original
First Name(s): Wilfred John
Surname: Kock
Nicknames: Willy
Age: Forty-three
Sex: Male but he would make a beautiful woman, wouldn’t you agree?
Place of Birth: Oxfordshire, England
Occupation: Cook

- Cora Kock: Cora is Wilfred’s beautiful wife – or rather, he finds her to be beautiful but not many others find her to be beautiful. She has been described as ‘looking something like a horse’, having buck teeth, bulging eyes, spectacles the size of Jupiter, and the leanest of bodies. She never wears anything particularly stunning, always the same bland dresses and her brown hair is always done the same way. She bosses Wilfred around, telling him what to do and he answers her, “Yes, dear” and “no, dear”… in other words, he is her slave. Cora is in her late thirties and still she doesn’t look it… she looks around Wilfred’s age despite being much younger.

-Alfred George Kock: Wilfred’s eldest son who is about thirteen years of age, he is a quite unruly boy with equally unruly blonde hair that flies in every direction; he has the attention span of a puppy and the tongue of a sweet tooth. He drives Wilfred insane when he’s trying to write letters or read a book. He’s often found hopping around the house, breaking things, getting into trouble at school and in the neighbourhood, and also he likes getting dirty. His son, he loves so much, but the child causes his migraines to become worse.

- Hermione Kock: Wilfred’s young eight year old daughter, the only members of his family who does not give him a migraine, a beautiful young girl with blonde hair and the sweetest and most innocent smile. She’s often found reading or running off pretending she’s a faery.

- Nanny: Literally a Saint Bernard named ‘Nanny’, the dog is a very gentle creature though annoying most of the time, at least to Wilfred, as she only thinks of food and following Wilfred around the house, and this extends even to the times he’s trying to take a bath. The dog always seems to enjoy hitting her head against his knees (or bottom) causing him to tumble over and become in pain.

Wilfred Kock 33wbn02

Wilfred is a rather tall gentleman, he tries to dress rather well on most occasions (and it doesn’t matter if it’s fishing or hunting). His greyish-brown hair is always neatly brushed back to ‘show off’ his handsome features (he was once a very handsome young man before he began to indulge in alcohol and thus got a pot belly out of it), he has a crooked nose, large teeth, a rounded yet chubby face, long ears, and the most stubbiest fingers. Many might seem intimidated by him because he’s tall and, well, round but when one looks at his face, they cannot help but feel sorry for him because he has that sort of a face. He’s generally a very quiet man unless spoken to, he feels most comfortable around people he knows; otherwise, he’s rather shy – sometimes stuttering, stammering, and often seen as a ‘bumbling fool’. He’s very kind-hearted, caring, and understanding – he’s the big friendly giant, you see – and would do anything for a friend or someone who isn’t a friend. He’s compassionate and over-emotional, crying at a tale someone might tell him, being the first to be touched.

Wilfred is afraid of confrontation; it doesn’t matter if it’s a one-on-one conversation or a battle or a brawl, he will fear it like the plague, sweat profusely, bite his lips, pray to God, look at a picture of his family, or even bite his nails (this is why his nails are short!). He is a coward being afraid of death and pain (his migraines even are too much to handle, he cries when he gets them). Wilfred is also terribly clumsy, falling over or hurting his self comically; he tends to be a man who is not very good in social situations, he becomes awkward, mutters, smiles, sweats, trips, make a fool of himself, apologise more than once, and drink himself silly – he’s an alcoholic.

Cooking, helping people out, art, fishing, writing, reading, listening to orders and rules, cleaning, and taking care of children

Social situations, animals (he loves them), children (he loves them), women, wine’s a big one, his clumsiness, and often more than not being the victim of bullying, not being able to handle stress, his stomach pains in which are frequent and violently painful (which only come sometimes), and migraines,

Wilfred Cock was born in Oxfordshire, England to Martha Kock and David Kock who were both Middle-Class citizens. Martha was as an assistant to a dentists and David worked as an engineer. Wilfred had been an only child and he hadn’t been much trouble to his parents in his early years, even when he became a child rather than an infant he was not much trouble. He never went looking for trouble and instead trouble enjoyed looking for him… it didn’t matter where the young boy went, he would always end up the victim to some big bully and nasty child, his teachers would always pick on him and he would end up being caned so hard that he’d go home not feeling his bottom. He was a boy who did well in the subjects of mathematics, science, history, and English! He was a quite intelligent boy who worked hard but he had not many friends – he pretty much spent a lonely childhood pouring over books and trying not to make his face flush when walking past a pretty girl.

His tortured years of being bullied by students and teachers alike soon ended when he went into university, his hard work paying off. He went into the division of science, liking it a lot, before growing ill and having to resign. It was then that his sufferings of stomach pains and migraines began. Instead after a long hiatus he was taught recipes from his father’s French friend who worked as a chef, he saw it was as something ‘easy’ for him to do while dying of pain (because lying in bed and talking to doctors became much too boring for him) – he was very good at it and seemed to think, ‘where had this been all my life?’, and cooking became his greatest passion! He began to become very interested in starting his own restaurant and getting into the cooking business despite his parents’ disgruntled woes. He took a break from cooking when his parents showed dislike to his new hobby and was forced to momentarily as a sailor but he was bullied and left rather shortly.

Continuing his love for cooking, he soon became an assistant cook at a well-known restaurant in which his father’s friend worked at and there he worked many horrid months. Lucky for him, in his mid-twenties, he was a handsome man when young and so when he fell in love with a ‘pretty’ woman, he had no trouble getting her to marry him (well, his looks weren’t the only ticket). This woman was named Cora and that Cora soon became his wife. He was a cook and being paid quite well even though his parents had wished that he’d gone back to university or have made arrangements somehow to further his first plans to become a scientist. Many beautiful years passed and he was living life to the fullest, though occasional bullies here and there, and when he turned thirty-five, his wife gave birth to their first child. He was a little monster that not only pulled on their hairs but cried during the nights and ran around the house naked. While he loves children and his son, his son was a pain.

His daughter who was born later was much better and that was around the time they had bought a puppy for Alfred to take care of rather than trying to pick up his baby sister. The family soon moved to London due to Wilfred’s ever-growing stomach pains and headaches, he would work there… or so that was the plan as when he had gotten to London, he could find no work whatsoever and when he searched other nearby towns for work, there was no such luck. He was about to drown himself in sorry (of course, using wine) but soon his wife pointed to something… the navy. He could cook for the navy and his parents seemed to like this idea a little better than his previous one.

Anything Else: Not really =)

Writing Sample/Past Roleplay:
It was early morning, he was gravely tired and the cerulean-coloured light from the outside world was creeping in through the crack between his curtains, he could hear birds chirping and people talking outside – he hated being woken up early and yet his wife thought it a ‘good idea’. He was sluggish, dizzy, and yawning like a mad man, he cooked himself and his family something delicious for breakfast. His son was tossing food to their dog while kicking his little sister and shouting. Hermione was reading a book, so young and so brilliant, and his wife was busy shouting orders at everyone before turning to the mirror and admiring her new beautiful dress that was as bland as the last one that she had bought. After breakfast, his headache was worsening, his son was running through the halls screaming – he would have been spanked had he, as a boy, done that in school or at home, but Wilfred was too kind to hit his own child and his wife was always conveniently away when his son was misbehaving.

“Alfred, please don’t scream. Your father has to pack,” Wilfred said, carrying the paper in his hands as well as a hot cup of tea. He walked into his bedroom and was followed by both his children and his dog who kept hitting her head against his leg ,causing him to lose balance and spill tea onto the floor. Both his children gasped (knowing full well that his wife would beat and yell at him) and he merely scanned the area for her before throwing his newspaper to cover the crime.

“You are going to be in very big trouble father when mother--,” Wilfred had cut his son off with a cough.

“That’s very nice, Alfred. As I was saying, your father must pack. Why don’t you be a good boy and run off and play with your friends?” He asked bending down in front of his chest and folding shirts and putting important things into his chest.

“Where are you going, papa?” asked his sweet and beloved daughter.

“I’m going to be going on a ship, Hermione,” he answered honestly and quick to the point.

His son ran over to him and knelt down next to him excitedly, “Are you going to knife someone? Stab them in the eye till it bleeds? You're going to FIGHT, aren't you?”

Wilfred gulped and his eyes widened – how disgusting! “Ah, no, Alfred… I am not going to do that… I'm not going to be fighting at all - I... I don't think so... I hope not... I won't...”

“You father is going to cook for the ship,” his wife said coming in, she seemed rather pleasant at that moment, she wasn’t screaming or stomping (Wilfred could see where his son had inherited that from).

“That’s boring!” whined Alfred as he walked rolled onto the carpet playing with one of his father’s books.

“Well, yes, perhaps to you but you haven’t got my attention span. I do love what I – no, Alfred, give that back! ... I mean please give that back, son? That is mine. Thank you, go play outside before I… look, father is busy,” Wilfred said as his family’s dog came running towards him, hitting her head against his bottom. And at that exact moment his daughter covered his eyes asking him to guess who she was and his wife came over to lay a slobbery kiss on his forehead by bending his neck as far as she could.

He was much too passive and he couldn’t imagine how life on the ship was going to be like…

Code Phrase: Staff Edit

Wilfred Kock
Wilfred Kock
Ordinary Seaman

Species : Royal Navy cook
Number of posts : 40
Member since : 2012-06-17

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Wilfred Kock Empty Re: Wilfred Kock

Post  Sharpiefan Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:09 pm


Species : Master Jester
Number of posts : 884
Location : In the background, keeping things going
Member since : 2008-05-14

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